KIPR Wallaby OS Image

Please download the OS image and follow the instructions below.


KIPR Wallaby Image V24

This can fix a variety of issues like a touch screen no longer responding or if you just want to erase everything that is currently on a controller.

Warning: This will remove all programs on the controller so be sure to back them up somewhere.

Image Reflash Instructions

  1. Save any programs you wish to keep to a device that is not the Wallaby
  2. Obtain a screwdriver and a microSD card reader for this process and at least 8GB of space on your computer
  3. Download the Wallaby-v24.img file to your computer and unzip it
  4. While waiting for download, unscrew the Wallaby case to reach the micro SD card slot.
  5. Pull out the SD card
  6. Insert SD card into the reader that is connected to your computer
  7. Hit cancel on anything asking you if want to reformat the drive that was just plugged in
  8. Download Balena Etcher or other similar image writing software.
  9. Once the image is downloaded, open Balena Etcher and click Flash from File and select the image file you just downloaded
  10. Then click Select Target and select the SD card drive that is plugged in (it should be about 8GB in size)
  11. Click Flash! and wait for it to finish
  12. Once it is finished, remove the SD card and put it back into the Wallaby and screw the case back together.

KIPR Wallaby Firmware

Please download the firmware and follow the instructions below.
KIPR Wallaby Update V24

Update Instructions

Note: upgrade to V20 first to download all programs, as upgrading to V24 from a version before V22 will remove all previous programs!

  1. Download .zip file to computer, unzip the file, and place the folder in the root of a USB flash drive
  2. Unzip file in the root of the flash drive and eject form computer
  3. Insert USB stick into Wallaby
  4. Plug controller into battery
  5. Turn on controller
  6. Click on Settings
  7. Click on Update Packages (if you do not have this button, you are running a pre wallaby_update7 version, and should update to 7 first as shown below in the archived section)
  8. Click on the /mnt/wallaby_update24/ button
  9. Click the red Update button
  10. Click Yes.

Version 24 Fixes/Features:

  • Harrogate: disabling buttons during run and compile to avoid run/stop/compile glitches
  • Harrogate: updated libwallaby docs
  • libwallaby: new functions in compass.h See Modules->Compass in the Documentation (via the help button)
  • python: fixing error during compile step
  • update/upgrade: fixing “current partition” detection in scripts
  • update: hash checking of update files

Version 24 Known Issues:

  • python: info display from new compass functions are not visible unless you manually stop the program
  • python: syntax highlighting is not switching to Python mode for python projects
  • We have a good calibration for our batteries, but differences between boards in the sensing circuit will require further (per-board) calibration in order to have good battery capacity feedback
  • The battery level starts out at 100% when botui starts, and may take a minute to drop to the correct voltage
  • The camera needs to be close to QR codes, and recognition may be shaky. This is due to our low resolution. A different camera at 320×240 worked better
  • The spin box in “Settings -> Camera View –> Show blob labels” is small and difficult to change
  • The option to revert botui to non-fullscreen mode does not apply to the home screen
  • If you use the “hide UI” button to access the terminal, there isn’t an easy way to get back to botui

Archived Versions

Please note that archived versions are out of date and may cause unexpected errors. These versions are for specific situations only. If you have not been specifically asked by KIPR staff to install an archived version, the best bet is to install the latest release above.

V14 Upgrade Instructions

  1. This will delete all user files, back up any files before starting!
  2. The Upgrade process will take 30-40 minutes, make sure your battery is fully charged before starting an Upgrade.
  3. Download .tar.bz2 file to computer, DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE, and place the file in the root of a USB flash drive
  4. Insert USB stick into Wallaby
  5. Plug controller into battery
  6. Turn on controller
  7. Navigate to a screen other than the home screen on the Wallaby
  8. Connect to KISS IDE over wifi or USB
  9. Click on Settings
  10. Click on Upgrade OS (if you do not have this button, you are running a pre wallaby_update7 version, and should update to 7 first as shown above in the software section)
  11. Click on the /mnt/kipr-console-image-pepper.tar.bz2 button
  12. Click the red Upgrade button
  13. Click Yes.
  14. Once the Wallaby is upgraded it will reboot to the home screen and you can check the version by clicking on the About button in the top left of the Wallaby Screen.
  15. You can also use this process to downgrade back to V14. If you can not boot to a menu, hold the L button while powering on the Wallaby to boot into the backup partition and follow the steps above (you may have to upgrade the backup partition normally to a newer version to be able to upgrade).

V7 Upgrade Instructions

KIPR Wallaby Update V7

  1. Download the .zip file to computer and place in the root of a USB flash drive
  2. Unzip file in the root of the flash drive and eject from computer
  3. Insert USB stick into Wallaby
  4. Plug controller into battery
  5. Turn on controller
  6. Connect to KISS IDE over wifi (wifi info is on Wallaby screen after booting, ip, or plug in keyboard
  7. Click terminal button in IDE, or login using keyboard (UN root, no PW)
  8. Type the following commands:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt 

cd /mnt/wallaby_update7 



9. After the controller reboots it is good to go.