DRIP (Dinky Robot In Pool) was built by KISS Institute and was its first foray into AUVs. DRIP is one of the smallest and least expensive underwater robots around. DRIP displaces approximately ten pounds of water and cost less than $1000 to build. As currently outfitted, the robot cruises through the water looking for a light to follow. A short QT movie of DRIP following a light while in the University of Maryland’s neutral buoyancy tank can be seen by clicking here. More details on DRIP can be found in “Design of Small Cheap UAV for Under-Ship Inspection and Salvage” in The Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Technology pp. 18-20 by David Miller
Here is DRIP in its natural habitat:
A new, improved DRIP II should be coming out shortly – watch this space!
DRIP was created by David Miller, Anne Wright and Randy Sargent.
For the original webpage of information, please visit dpm.kipr.org.