KIPR Wombat Firmware

If your Wombat is running 30.2.1 or later, then follow the instructions below. Please make sure you backup all your program files before you proceed! School networks frequently have blocks against websites like Github. If you are worried this may be an issue at your school we recommend trying the update on a home network. If you feel as if you need help with this process, please contact KIPR at 405-579-4609 for support.

Current update version: 30.3.0

Update Instructions for Wombat controllers running 30.2.1 or later:

  1. Make sure your Wombat is not in the Create 3 Ethernet mode. This can be checked by going to Motors and Sensors -> Create 3 and making sure the toggle on the page is switched to Wifi. If it is not, click the toggle and Yes to switch it to Wifi mode. Wait for the Wombat to reboot, then check the page again to make sure it switched. You can also check the About page to see if the IP address shows up when the Wombat is plugged into Ethernet. If it doesn’t all is fine. If it does then repeat the process using the toggle on the Create 3 page.
  2. Connect your controller to a Wifi network by navigating to Network screen. Click on Settings -> Advanced -> Network
  3. Once you are on the network screen, check the bottom left dropdown menu and make sure it is in Client Mode (Not AP Mode)
  4. Once in Client Mode, you can connect to an available network by tapping on the “Connect to…” button
  5. If you do not have WiFi access, you can plug in an ethernet cable that is providing internet into controller instead of WiFi. (This could be the one your computer is plugged into)
  6. Go to the Home screen
  7. Click on Settings
  8. Click on Update
  9. Click on Online Update
  10. Click Yes

KIPR Wombat OS Image

Please download the OS image and follow the instructions below.   KIPR Wombat Image V30.3.0 This can fix a variety of issues like a touch screen no longer responding or if you just want to erase everything that is currently on a controller. Warning: This will remove all programs on the controller so be sure to back them up somewhere.

Image Reflash Instructions

  1. Save any programs you wish to keep to a device that is not the Wombat
  2. Obtain a screwdriver and a microSD card reader for this process and at least 8GB of space on your computer
  3. Download the Wombat-30.3.0.img file to your computer and unzip it
  4. While waiting for download, unscrew SD card cover on bottom of Wombat
  5. Pull out the SD card
  6. Insert SD card into the reader that is connected to your computer
  7. Hit cancel on anything asking you if want to reformat the drive that was just plugged in
  8. Download Balena Etcher or other similar image writing software.
  9. Once the image is downloaded, open Balena Etcher and click Flash from File and select the image file you just downloaded
  10. Then click Select Target and select the SD card drive that is plugged in (it should be about 8GB in size)
  11. Click Flash! and wait for it to finish
  12. Once it is finished, remove the SD card and put it back into the Wombat and screw the cover back on.