KISS Institute for Practical Robotics understands that raising funds for Botball registration fees is a challenge for many of our teams. Following are some suggestions and resources that our Botball® teams might find helpful in planning their fundraising efforts.

Botball® Fundraising Cycle

Below is a summary of fundraising for your Botball® team.

· Register for Botball®

· Contact Local Businesses for Sponsorship

· Plan and Complete Fundraisers

· Apply for a Botball® Scholarship if Needed

· Finalize Registration Payments

· Attend the Regional Workshop

· Build & Program Robots – Take Pictures!

· Invite Constituents to the Tournament

· Contact Media for Story/Article

· Attend the Botball® Tournament – Take Pictures!

· Write Sponsor Thank You Notes & Send Pictures

· Submit Next Season’s Fundraising Plan to School

· Attend the Global Conference on Educational Robotics

· Organize a summer robotics camp as a fundraiser